About SONshine Preschool

Our program is designed as a Pre-Kindergarten program.

Students must be 4 years old by September 15 of the enrolled school year.

Each class is limited to 20 students.

Our goal is to provide a Christian atmosphere of love and acceptance which will help each child develop his/her full potential.

Mental Development

  • To develop curiosity and joy of learning

  • To develop speaking and listening skills

  • To develop pre-reading skills

  • To recognize colors, shapes, numbers and letters

Physical Development

  • To develop large motor skills such as skipping and running

  • To develop small motor skills such as writing and cutting

Social and Emotional Development

  • To develop friendship skills

  • To develop self-control by sharing and learning appropriate and polite behavior

  • To learn cooperation through group activities and free choice play time

  • To develop creativity through art, music and drama

  • To develop a sense of worth and independence

Spiritual Development

  • To nurture a child's young faith through the modeling of a Christian teacher

  • To learn Christian values